The Vaccine War box office collection: The Nana Patekar and Pallavi Joshi-starrer was released on Thursday, and earned ₹1.3 crore. The Vaccine War box office: The Vivek Agnihotri directorial on the development of the Covid-19 vaccine recorded a poor start at the box office despite positive reviews. The film opened in theatres on Thursday at ₹1.3 crore, as per early estimates reported by It released alongside Fukrey 3 and Kangana Ranaut’s Chandramukhi 2, both of which did much better business at the box office. As per the portal, The Vaccine War recorded 10.17 percent Hindi occupancy on Thursday. The film is said to be made on a budget of around ₹10 crore.
The Vaccine War star cast
The Vaccine War revolves around the challenges and dedication of scientists during the development of the Covid vaccine and also pays tribute to the unsung Covid warriors. It stars Nana Patekar, Pallavi Joshi, Raima Sen, Anupam Kher, Girija Oak, Nivedita Bhattacharya, Sapthami Gowda, and Mohan Kapur.
The Vaccine War review
The Hindustan Times Review of The Vaccine War read: “At 2 hours 40 minutes, the film is a tad long for the story it sets out to show. The first half is dull especially when ICMR and NIV are trying to find a middle path to conduct various tests on the novel virus. The second half get better. Though it ends up being primarily a one-sided account where media is blamed for setting a negative narrative against the vaccine, it is also a sharp commentary on the system and its loopholes.”
Vivek Agnihotri on The Vaccine War
Talking about the film, Vivek Agnihotri told ANI, “I have focused mostly on India’s victory, how India is becoming a great nation, how India has become self-reliant and how India’s science is ready to show direction to the world. More than that, I also wanted people to understand who your enemies are. If you want to know who are the enemies of India, who is trying to sell India, then now you will get the answer in The Vaccine War.”
What is vaccine war?
The Vaccine War revolves around the challenges and dedication of scientists during the development of the Covid vaccine and also pays tribute to the unsung Covid warriors. It stars Nana Patekar, Pallavi Joshi, Raima Sen, Anupam Kher, Girija Oak, Nivedita Bhattacharya, Sapthami Gowda, and Mohan Kapur.