Shraddha Kapoor recently said that she would love to do the biopic of Lata Mangeshkar. Interestingly, the late legendary singer is her grandaunt. It’s Lata Mangeshkar’s 94th birth anniversary. If there’s a biopic in the pipeline on the late legendary singer, one actor has surely set her eyes on it. That’s Saraddha Kapoor, who happens to be Lata’s grandniece.
Shraddha expressed her desire to play Lata
Recently, at a fan event, when Shraddha was asked whose biopic she’d like to star in, she replied, “I would also wish to say Lata Mangeshkar. I mean, it’s a very big aim, but you never know.”
Here’s how Shraddha is related to Lata
Shraddha’s maternal grandfather Pandit Pandharinath Kolhapure is Lata and her singer-sister Asha Bhosle’s first cousin. That makes Shraddha’s mother Shivangi Kolahpure and her actor-sister Padmini Kolahpure Lata’s nieces.
Lata has famously sung several of Padmini’s memorable tracks, including Yeh Galiyan Ye Chaubara from Raj Kapoor’s 1982 romantic film Prem Rog. Asha has also sung Padmini’s popular songs like Poochho Na Yaar Kya Hua from Nasir Hussain’s 1981 musical Zamane Ko Dikhana Hai. Interestingly, Asha has also played Padmini’s mother in Mahesh Kodiyal’s 2013 film Mai in her acting debut.
Is Shraddha Kapoor granddaughter of Lata Mangeshkar?
Actually, Lata Mangeshkar’s cousin brother was Shraddha’s maternal grandfather, Pandit Padharinath Kolhapure. Shraddha is the granddaughter of Lata Mangeshkar.
What is the inheritance of Lata Mangeshkar?
Now that Lata didi is no longer with us, it is said that the entire wealth and assets will go to a trust created by Lata Mangeshkar in her father’s name. As per other reports, her brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar inherited the late singer’s wealth.